

Are you battling life-controlling issues like addiction, depression, or others that hold you back? At the Ignite Discipleship Center, we offer a beacon of hope and a path to complete transformation. Our one-year program provides a safe-haven, free from distractions, where you can focus on GROWTH and DEVELOPMENT. Here at the Ignite Center, you'll discover service to others as the cornerstone of growing closer to Jesus Christ. We believe recovery doesn't merely return you to who you were - who you were was the problem. Our commitment is to REBUILD, TRANSFORM, and EMPOWER you to become a new creation in Christ!


safe Living Environment 

Escape the Chaos and find stability in our supportive community.

One-Year Commitment

Deep dive into personal growth with a dedicated timeframe.

Distraction-Free Focus

Remove external barriers and focus on a newfound freedom.

Biblical Foundation

Find guidance and strength in the wisdom of scripture. 

Service-oriented Learning 

Discover purpose and fulfillment through helping others.


I never thought that alcohol would take such a devastating toll on my life. As a professional data analyst, I had a good job, a loving family, and a comfortable home. But my drinking spiraled out of control, and I lost everything. I was at rock bottom. In my darkest moments, I turned to God for help. He led me to The Ignite Center, where I received the support I needed to begin my recovery. With prayer, determination, and the unwavering love of Jesus Christ, I was able to rebuild my life. I have been sober for nearly two years now, and I am grateful for the grace of God that has sustained me through this journey.


Gang banging, trouble with the law, locked up as a juvenile, prescription drugs, almost getting killed—these were just a few of the things I experienced before my life turned around. I thought I was tough, but when I almost got killed, I realized that I was just a scared kid. I always knew there was something out there bigger than me. With the help of the Ignite Center, I found God. Working on myself has been harder than anything I ever faced on the streets, but the rewards are immeasurable. I'm grateful to the Ignite Center for helping me turn my life around.

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Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

1 Corinthians 16:13